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  • 21 Feb 2024 12:56 PM | Anonymous

    AINA Past President Dr. Seemant Chaturvedi was the coauthor in the ARCADIA trial main results Published Feb 7 in JAMA

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  • 21 Feb 2024 12:55 PM | Anonymous

    AAN is accepting applications for their prestigious Palatucci Advocacy Leadership Forum (PALF) until Mar5th. It is a great resource to learn about advocacy at your institution, community, or national level. Some of our members who have done this program speak highly of it.

    Dr Parneet Grewal states "It gives trainees tools to successfully advocate for their ideas and develop their identity as physician advocates. The program teaches action plans with achievable goals, grassroots and legislative advocacy, and on-camera media training. It also gives participants the opportunity to develop advocacy and communication skills, enhance professional development through networking, work on career planning, and find opportunities to get involved in advocacy work on a regional and national level. This was my first formal exposure to advocacy. Apart from advocacy and networking, I learned about relationships, self-reflection, communication, and conflict management. Most importantly, I made lifelong friendships and formed a close-knit community with colleagues who are as passionate about advocating for neurological issues."

    Dr Uma Menon states "This program is extremely helpful in learning how to advocate for a topic you are interested in to be most effective. It transitions one into an 'expert' who is sought after by patient support groups, health blogs, and many others. The media training is very impactful."

    If you are interested in applying for this program and would like help with building your application, please let us know. Several AINA members experienced with this program can provide guidance and mentorship.

  • 13 Feb 2024 3:09 PM | Anonymous

    Dr. Bojoy Menon to serve as International Stroke Conference 2025 Program Vice-Chair. Congratulations! 

  • 12 Feb 2024 3:29 PM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Mohamed Ibrahim Abdul Aleem MD, FAAN for receiving the AAN Volunteer Service Award!

  • 08 Feb 2024 10:38 AM | Anonymous

    Jayant Acharya, MD, participated in the Program for Chairs of Clinical Services at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.  He gained valuable knowledge, insights and skills from this 2-week intensive course addressing critical leadership and management issues.  Attendees from across the USA and around the world were in attendance. 

  • 06 Feb 2024 12:42 PM | Anonymous

    The American Registry named Dr. Geetanjali Rathore to the elite Top Doctor 2024!

  • 06 Feb 2024 11:26 AM | Anonymous

    Congrats to Dr. Aneesh Singhal for co-authoring new AHA guideline on CVT!

    View Here

  • 20 Dec 2023 1:42 PM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Dr. Pazhani Ranganathan on his appointment as Chair, SIG, Yoga Therapy in Neuro Rehabilitation, World Federation of Neuro Rehabilitation.

  • 27 Sep 2023 12:18 PM | Anonymous

    Dr. Vineeta Singh receives USCF's 2023 Exceptional Physician Award!

  • 27 Sep 2023 12:16 PM | Anonymous


    O my brainy heart , skip a beat ;

    Pump slowly and feel the heat .

    While counselling the mother of a CP child ,

    May i hold her hand & say,

    Tell my eyes not to sway away ,

    To say that the difficulties won't progress,

    Rather than conveying it as a permanent distress.

    O my brainy heart , skip a beat ;

    Pump slowly and feel the heat .

    When diagnosing a soon -to- be married lady with epilepsy ,

    May i almighty also explain her fiance,to not make her a Patsy;

    That she or her genes are not at fault and,

    A healthy married life will be her's by default .

    O my brainy heart , skip a beat ;

    Pump slowly and feel the heat .

    I yearn for the skill to reassure a shaky young man With ET,

    That a simple treatment can cure him out of self-pity ,

    That he can go out in the crowd and do whatever he desires,

    He is as good as anyone else,

    Whatever transpires..

    O my brainy heart , skip a beat ;

    Pump slowly and feel the heat .

    May i allow the stroke patient with Wernicke' s aphasia to speak ,

    & Looking at his eyes , decipher his emotion despite his jargon speech.

    Make him feel that he can still express ,

    That he is not in any way weak ..

    O my brainy heart , skip a beat ;

    Pump slowly and feel the heat .

    May i have the courage , zest and valor

    To not accept defeat , to not become dull..

    Even if the disease is destructive, degenerative or diabolically deceitful

    For if even i can not treat with all the science or technology ,

    I can still be humane , have empathy, reassure and express an apology

    O my brainy heart , skip a beat ;

    Pump slowly and feel the heat .

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