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  • 20 Mar 2019 8:16 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    David Holtzman, ANA President 

    AINA is pleased to announce the 2019 Annual Meeting Keynote Speaker, Dr. David Holtzman, Dr. Holtzman is President of the American Neurological Association and is recognized as one of the leading authorities on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Dr. Holtzman's talk will focus on Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease:  An update on how we practically approach the disease and what will change dramatically in the next 5-20 yearsRegister today to join us for this great event of approximately 150 attendees during the AAN Annual Meeting. More information to come soon!

  • 20 Mar 2019 6:31 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Resident and Fellows Section has been recently airing interviews with prestigious neurologists. Resident and Fellows Section Member, Rahul Guha interviewed Dr Nirmal Surya. Dr. Surya is the treasurer of the Indian Academy of Neurology and founding trustee and chairman of the Epilepsy Foundation of India. We discussed the challenges of providing sustainable epilepsy care to patients in India. Please view the interview recording here!

  • 12 Mar 2019 5:44 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Ram Ayyar, M.D., is Emeritus Professor of Neurology at the University of Miami. He had his postgraduate training in Neurology in India and subsequently went to England to work under the renowned neurologist Lord Walton at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne. His further training was at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. Ram had the good fortune of training under Dr. Edward H. Lambert, the pioneer in the field of Electromyograph “the father of EMG”.  After a short stint at Wayne State University, Ram joined the faculty at the department of Neurology University of Miami in 1976. He became a Tenured Professor of Neurology and was Vice Chairman for Clinical Affairs for several years. He was also Director of the Neuromuscular Medicine Fellowship Program and Director of EMG Laboratory from 1976 until his partial retirement in 2018.

    During his tenure of directorship of the fellowship program he had the opportunity to train more than 70 fellows. They were from USA, India, Pakistan, Europe, Japan and South America. Many of them now occupy prestigious positions in different parts of the world. Ram maintains a close relationship with his former fellows. He is held in high esteem by the residents, fellows and faculty members for his clinical expertise and teaching ability. He has been invited to many countries as a visiting professor.

    He has published over 100 papers in peer reviewed journals and has been given outstanding teacher of the year award many times. In addition to his expertise in neuromuscular diseases in the last 3 decades he has developed a special interest in ciguatera fish poisoning. His close work with the Rosensteil Marine School at the University of Miami has been productive and has resulted in several papers.  Ciguatera is one of the most common food poisoning that is seen. Ciguatoxin interferes with sodium channel function. Ram is well known to the members of AINA and was actively involved in the early stages of the formation of the association.

    AINA extends sincere congratulations to Dr. Ayyar for his lifetime of great work! Dr. Ayyar will be recognized at the 36th Annual AINA Dinner Meeting in conjunction with AAN's annual meeting.

    In 2007, the AAN Foundation partnered with the Association of Indian Neurologists in America (AINA) to create an award recognizing those who have been committed to advancing the Indian neurologic community. The AINA presented the AAN Foundation Chair Austin Sumner, MD, with a $50,000 check to endow the award.

    The AINA Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a leader in neurology by her/his peers. The recipient will be a North American neurologist chosen based on her/his dedication in advancing the training of North American neurologists of Indian origin and promoting innovation and research in the field of neurology. The recipient will have supported Indian neurologists over a significant period of time in achieving meaningful progress toward expressed goals.

  • 07 Mar 2019 5:36 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AINA Executive Committee Member Dr. Prachi Mehndiratta received the 2019 A.B. Baker Teach Recognition Award for her contributions to improving neurology now and in the future. Teaching binds students, residents, faculty, other clinicians, researchers, and even patients, together and helps make our daily work more meaningful. This award demonstrates respect and appreciation for neurologic teaching. Dr. Mehndiratta is an Assistant Clinical Professor at the Department of Neurology at Virginia Commonwealth University. She will receive a certificate of recognition from the AAN. 

    Congratulations to Dr. Mehndiratta! 

  • 27 Feb 2019 2:07 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Dr. Aarti Sarwal, AINA Executive Board Member, and Dr. Vineeta Singh, AINA Past President, were appointed to the Editorial Board of Critical Care Medicine.

    ​​​​​​​Critical Care Medicine is the premier peer-reviewed, scientific publication in critical care medicine. Directed to those specialists who treat patients in the ICU and CCU, including chest physicians, surgeons, pediatricians, pharmacists/pharmacologists, anesthesiologists, critical care nurses, and other healthcare professionals, Critical Care Medicine covers all aspects of acute and emergency care for the critically ill or injured patient. Each issue presents critical care practitioners with clinical breakthroughs that lead to better patient care, the latest news on promising research, and advances in equipment and techniques.

    The purpose of this journal is to publish original articles on significant work in critical care medicine. It also provides a forum for exchange of ideas on what's right and what's wrong in the management of the critically ill; a truly in-depth coverage of this specialty. All articles are original submissions and peer-reviewed.

      *   Published 12 times per year

      *   Ranked 3rd among 27 titles in the Critical Care Medicine category of the Journal Citation Reports

    Find more information here:

  • 15 Feb 2019 6:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AINA held a reception and educational program at the International Stroke Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii on February 7, 2019.  After a social reception, there was a presentation by Dr. Maarten Lansberg from Stanford University on current concepts regarding brain perfusion imaging in acute stroke. AINA thanks I-Schema for an educational grant to support this program.

    Thanks to all those who were able to attend!

  • 15 Feb 2019 6:22 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Congratulations to the following two AINA life members who were recently elected as AAN section Chairs:

    Neuromuscular section

    Raghav Govindarajan, University of Missouri

    Interventional Neurology section

    Ashutosh Jadhav, University of Pittsburgh Medical Center

  • 30 Jan 2019 11:07 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    AINA Neurology Trainee Award

    We invite neurologists in training to apply for the AINA Neurology Trainee Award. The deadline for application is March 15, 2019. Any in-training neurologist of Indian origin and who is also a first or senior author on an abstract accepted to the American Academy of Neurology meeting is eligible for the award. You must be physically present at the AINA Annual meeting to receive the award.
    There will be three award winners based upon a review team. The top three abstracts will receive $500, $250, and $100, respectively, and a recognition plaque at the AINA meeting in Philadelphia. 

  • 23 Jan 2019 4:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    Don't Miss Out - AINA Stroke Symposium Invitation
    February 7, 2019 | Hilton Hawaiian Village
    7-9 PM Local Time

    Headed to the International Stroke Conference (ISC) Meeting in early February in beautiful Hawaii? 

    You are invited to attend a special AINA Stroke Symposium on February 7th at the Hilton Hawaiian Village. Additional details to come as we get closer to the event. RSVP to let us know you are attending!

    We are pleased to have a special keynote speaker for the evening:

    Keynote Speaker
    Maarten G. Lansberg, MD, PhD
    Stanford Stroke Center
    Associate Professor of Neurology and Neurological Disorders

    Dr. Maarten Lansberg completed his neurology training at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) and his neurovascular fellowship at Stanford University. Following fellowship, he joined the faculty of the Department of Neurology at Stanford where he is currently an Associate Professor. Dr Lansberg’s research interest is in the design and conduct of clinical trials to test new methods for diagnosing and treating stroke patients. He has been an investigator on dozens of stroke trials. The primary focus of his research has been on the use of modern imaging techniques for the evaluation of acute stroke. These techniques include diffusion-weighted MRI, perfusion-weighted MRI and CT perfusion. Dr. Lansberg played a lead role in the recently completed DEFUSE 3 trial, which demonstrated that patients selected with MR or CT perfusion imaging benefit from endovascular stroke therapy up to 16 hours after onset.  Dr Lansberg is also the lead investigator on several stroke recovery trials.

    Please go to the AINA Website to RSVP you are attending the AINA Stroke Symposium.

    The AINA Stroke Symposium is sponsored in part by:

  • 21 Jan 2019 11:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    The Tarang is the electronically published newsletter of the Association of Indian Neurologists of America. This is an opportunity to share the work throughout the year with our membership! Have something you are proud of at the local, state or national level? Be sure to share with us that we can include in the Tarang and/or monthly eNews! 

    Take a look at the 2018 Tarang Newsletter and previous by clicking here.

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