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  • 06 Sep 2019 9:15 AM | Deleted user


    The AINA Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes a leader in neurology by her/his peers. The recipient will be a North American neurologist chosen based on her/his dedication in advancing the training of North American neurologists of Indian origin and promoting innovation and research in the field of neurology. The recipient will have supported Indian neurologists over a significant period of time in achieving meaningful progress toward expressed goals.

    View all past award recipients

    Recipient will receive:

    • $1,000 prize
    • Recognition plaque
    • Recognition in AAN's 70th Annual Meeting material


    • Open to AAN members
    • Must be nominated by an AAN member
    • Nominee must be a North American neurologist

    Application Procedure

    Nominator should submit one copy of the following:

    1. Completed application form
    2. Nominee's curriculum vitae
    3. A letter of recommendation (not previously submitted for nominee) describing the following:
      • The nominee’s success relating to the growth and prestige of neurologists of Indian origin in North America
      • The nominee’s commitment to passing leadership skills and the value of involvement to peers and to the next generation of leaders
      • The nominee’s demonstration of exceptional dedication of time and effort for the greater good
      • The nominee’s commitment to team building and to being a team player
      • The nominee’s commitment to “bridge-building” for the Indian neurologic community and beyond through mutual partnerships and alliances


    The 2020 awards deadline is October 23, 2019.

    For more information, please contact the American Brain Foundation at or (612) 928-6300.

    For more information about the Association for Indian Neurologists in America (AINA) please visit:

  • 06 Sep 2019 8:49 AM | Deleted user

    Anuja Patil was one of four neurologists who completed an observership through the IAN-AINA program! Hear more from Anuja about her experience below!

    I completed the course from 17th June to 31st July of this year at Creighton University, Omaha under the mentorship of Dr. Sanjay Singh.

    I would like to express the overall experience under following heads:

    1. Academics and clinical experience: it was a great opportunity to get to attend the out-patient clinics as well as the in-patient rounds. I got to observe the step by step and thorough evaluation of the newly diagnosed as well as the refractory epilepsy cases, their long term video EEG monitoring and subsequent analysis of the recorded EEG and semiology data and its correlation to the clinical and imaging details. During the stay I also had the opportunity to attend two Wada tests and understand their protocol and clinical implications. I got to attend the patient management meetings and know the nuances in decision making for further management of the cases. I also got to experience manipulating the VNS settings in the OPD patients. The DBS for refractory epilepsy and witnessing the ex-ablate procedure was one of the best experience I had there. During my stay, I could also work upon few research projects that will expectedly help me gain curricular merits.

    I am sure this will help me in more better evaluation and subsequent management of the cases in my future clinical practice. Also it encourages me to follow the protocols and thorough evaluation techniques as adapted to the service setup back home.

    2. Logistics: managing the stay and overall expenditure was feasible with the timely help from AINA providing the financial assistance. I really appreciate their promptness.

    3. Personal view: this is a much wanted experience that I think every practicing neurologist in India wishes for... an opportunity to learn beyond our boundaries, getting to experience the clinical and research methods first hand is highly valued. But lack of exposure or failure to gain mentorship, the possible time constraints for private as well as government employed practitioners and financial inadequacies for some make it difficult.

    This is a really encouraging step by the IAN-AINA co-ordination and will definitely merit many more neurologists in our country.

    Limitations: the duration seems a bit short for the amount of clinical experience we get during the observership. But the thoroughness of evaluation and novel techniques that we get to see do make it up for this shortcoming.

    I once again thank IAN and AINA for granting me this opportunity.

  • 05 Sep 2019 3:06 PM | Deleted user

    AINA invites institutions that want to be included as a site in 2020, for one of the four young Indian neurologists to come as an Observer to learn, to inform us within the next 7 days. The Observership must be free, no fees for the observership of any kind. The observership is for 4 to 6 weeks. Local institution rules will be applicable. We look forward to hearing from you. The first year of this joint venture between the AINA & IAN was a grand success and now we are entering the second year. Please send your e-mails regarding this to with your interest.

  • 30 Jul 2019 2:17 PM | Deleted user

    A research paper on Mechanical Thrombectomy Using Retrievable Stents in Pediatric Acute Ischemic Stroke was published in July 2019 by AINA Members and those in India. Please read here for more information!

  • 24 Jul 2019 11:31 AM | Anonymous

    Congratulations to Dr. Janardhan on receiving the 2019 SVIN (Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology) Award. This award recognizes its members for their substantial service, outstanding contribution, training, mentoring, and innovative leadership in the field of vascular and interventional neurology. Dr. Janardhan will receive this award at the SVIN Annual Meeting held in Atlanta, Georgia, November 20-23, 2019.

    Dr. Janardhan is the co-founder and Chief Medical Officer of Insera Therapeutics, Inc. He is the co-inventor of Insera's portfolio of medical devices for the prevention and treatment of acute ischemic stroke (aka brain attacks), hemorrhagic stroke (aka brain bleeds), brain aneurysms, and peripheral vascular disease. He currently holds 65+ issued and allowed U.S. and worldwide patents with 15+ patents pending in the U.S. and worldwide.

    Dr. Janardhan is a trained stroke and intervational neurologist. In the last 8 years, he developed the Texas Stroke Institute (part of Hospital Corporation of America), the first health-system to have a multi-hub and spoke system of brain attack care in the US. His efforts have improved access to cutting-edge therapies within the "stroke belt" and dramatically improved brain attack treatment rates from 1.7% to 26% resulting in one of the largest regional brain attack networks in the country with over 160+ free standing ED's and hospitals in North Texas and Oklahoma.

    During this time, he led the initiative to help certify or re-certify nine of eleven hospitals within the Texas Stroke Institute to successfully maintain The Joint Commission primary stoke center certification. He also led the initiative to help develop three hospitals into comprehensive stroke programs based on the brain-attack coalition guidelines.

    Prior to moving to Texas, Dr. Janardhan served as the Director of Stroke and Interventional Neurology at the University of Minnesota Medical Center and helped launch the Minnesota Stroke Initiative. He completed his Vascular & Critical Care Neurology Fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital (Harvard Medical School) and his Interventional Neuroradiology Fellowship at the University Hospitals of Cornell and Columbia.

    Dr. Janardhan is a founding member of the Society of Vascular and Interventional Neurology and currently serves on their Board of Directors. He helped launched the SVIN Stroke Center Workshop, which has now become an internationally recognized conference regarding organizing stroke systems of care and stroke infrastructure. He is also part of the leadership committee for SVIN's Missions 2020 goal of increasing access to stroke treatments worldwide.

    Please help us congratulate Dr. Janardhan on receiving this outstanding award!

  • 23 Jul 2019 12:57 PM | Anonymous

    The American Academy of Neurology knows that making a profound difference in the lives of researchers ultimately makes a profound difference in the lives of patients with brain disease. Because of their commitment to promoting neurology and neuroscience, they want you to be among the first to know that the American Academy of Neurology is now accepting applications for 20 Research Program opportunities in 2020.

    Deadline to apply is October 1, 2019. Apply Now!

  • 04 Jun 2019 9:41 AM | Anonymous

    I want to thank you all for giving me the opportunity to serve as the President of AINA. I take this responsibility with humility and commitment. We hope to build on the great work done by the past Presidents and the past executive members who have contributed so much to our organization. I also want to take this opportunity to salute the spirit of our Founders, their pioneering spirit is worthy of great accolades. I want to thank Dr Seemant Chaturvedi for his service to AINA.

    In the next 2 years one of our major initiatives is going to be to plan to serve the underserved populations of the United States and India. This will our calling, to serve those in need. I am launching a task force to look into the logistics of doing this in the United States. We will also begin to build on our efforts in India too and will start with talking to the government there to partner with us. The idea is to provide our members, who want to serve, the opportunity to do this at their convenience. To do something larger than our own self-interest serves to inspire us all. It is an opportunity to serve the people of the United States and India. I also want to acknowledge the over 40 emails I have received since I introduced this endeavor at our annual meeting. 

    I want to also share with you the news that the first batch of young Indian Neurologists are here or will be with us in the next few months for free training programs in the United states, this is a joint venture between the Indian Academy of Neurology (IAN) and AINA. We also just had the first AINA-IAN & AIIMS-PGI first joint CME program in PGI Chandigarh on April 2019. I must thank the IAN leadership for being such great partners in this collaborative effort. We hope to continue this collaboration in the future too, as per the MOU signed between us in Chennai.

    We are also planning to launch a massive membership drive to bring in hundreds of new members to AINA. This is a natural next step in our evolution as an organization, we hope to significantly increase the attendance of our annual meeting in a couple of years. We have also gotten your feedback on the type of program you want to see at our annual meeting. We have a clear mission of service and we will together take our beloved organization to new heights.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions or suggestions.

    With best wishes,

    Sanjay Pratap Singh, MD, FAAN

    President – AINA,

    Chairman & Professor,

    Department of Neurology,

    Director – Neurological Institute,

    Creighton University School of Medicine


  • 31 May 2019 6:30 AM | Deleted user

    Don’t wait: there are only two weeks left to apply for the AAN’s prestigious Transforming Leaders Program!

    This all-expenses-paid program is designed specifically for innovative leaders to realize their goals of transforming their communities, institutions, or fields through executive-level coaching and a fully customized intensive leadership development training program. Past participants have consistently praised how valuable the experience is to their careers, the neurology profession, and to patient care, in helping them:

    • Break through barriers to achieve their goals with more clarity, efficiency, and less conflict
    • Learn how to work better in teams, leverage the unique strengths of their team members, and inspire and motivate their team to achieve common goals
    • Contribute more meaningfully, in turn reducing burnout and focusing their attention on their highest priorities
    • Take advantage of networking opportunities with AAN Board and committee members
    • Join a supportive network of like-minded individuals with an interest in future roles of responsibility within the AAN and field of neurology

    Learn more and apply by the June 17 deadline!

  • 15 May 2019 9:33 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Ritwik Bhatia was able to sit down with Dr. Ram Ayyar for a special interview after the announcement of the AINA Lifetime Achievement Award in 2019. Congratulations to Dr. Ayyar! Read more about Dr. Ayyar and his lifetime experiences in the excerpt below.

    Dr. Ram Ayyar Interview

    What attracted you to neurology?

    I wanted to be a surgeon just like my father. I had the choice of being a surgeon

    or an internist with subsequent subspecialist training. I decided to pursue neurology after completing two years of internal medicine, in large part due to the influence of excellent faculty mentors. My other interests were cardiology and endocrinology.

    Who were your mentors as you started in academic neurology?

    My mentors when I started in academic neurology were in Newcastle upon Tyne,

    England. Newcastle University was one of the top neurological centers in the world at that time. Lord Walton attracted neurologists from around the world as did  Dr. Henry Miller who subsequently became Vice Chancellor of Newcastle University. The center had an outstanding reputation for work done in general neurology, neuromuscular diseases and multiple sclerosis, just to name a few areas. The mentors went out of their way to be helpful to all the physicians they had attracted from around the world. Even today long after I finished my training I have a close relationship with the surviving mentors.

    How were your mentors helpful to you?

    They were helpful by example. I observed and learned the art of taking a complicated history and how to examine a complicated case. My mentors conducted themselves in a pleasant and non-intimidating fashion. I still remember every joke they told me. All had a great sense of humor.

    From an academic standpoint we were encouraged to disagree with them. I remember when Dr. Henry Miller was flying to London to discuss a CPC, he approached me to discuss a case. I gave him my top three choices and he did not agree with me. Upon his return from the CPC he told me that I was right and he was wrong. He, like so many other mentors, gave credit when credit was due.

    What lessons from your training have you brought to your career as an attending ?

    I trained in India, United Kingdom and Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. I firmly believe that learning is a lifelong process and we can learn different ways of problem solving and practicing medicine from different people in different countries.

    What would you say to an aspiring neurologist, Indian- American or otherwise, who would like to give back to India?

    In India we did not have fancy equipment. We relied on a complete history and a thorough physical examination. So to trainees who want to go back to India to give back, I would say: do not go there with the idea that “ I am going to teach them”. You should go there to learn. Indian neurologists are very smart and the pathology you see there is incredibly challenging.

    What are the most seminal discoveries in neurology during your career?

    The field of neurology has exploded in the last few years. Genetics, immunology, neuromuscular diseases, stroke and multiple sclerosis and movement disorders are some of the areas advances have been noted.

    What interests do you have outside the hospital?

    I love sports. We have season tickets for college and professional football (Miami Dolphins and Miami Hurricanes).

    I played tennis and cricket in my younger days. I was the state high school singles and doubles tennis champion in Kerala. I played cricket for my state in the Ranji Trophy, which is similar to the NFL and MLB in the United States. I could have gone further but decided to pursue the medical profession like my father, uncle and grand father.

    Our sons are excellent golfers and one of them is a professional in Miami.

    I enjoy travel with my wife and two sons and have met many friends and fellow neurologists from around the world.

    Last but not least I like to follow politics!

  • 15 May 2019 1:04 PM | Deleted user

    2019 AINA Annual Meeting Photos

    Please be sure to check out the AINA Annual Meeting Photos. If you have any additional photos that were taken, please send them along to the AINA Office at

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